
Pitura Seeds Joins Agro.Club As First Canadian Retail Partner, Provides Farm Customers With New Digital Options

2021-10-05 00:36
Pitura Seeds is pleased to announce that it is partnering with Agro.Club Canada. Pitura Seeds is the first retailer to join Agro.Club’s Canadian online ecosystem, which combines a digital storefront for farmers to order products and services with the business tools to support customer sales and marketing campaigns.

“Joining the Agro.Club platform is a partnership that creates a new benefit for our farm customers,” says Tom Greaves, president of Pitura Seeds. “Many new tech announcements make a farmer’s life more complicated. We’re creating convenience by offering a new digital way for farmers to tell us what they want and need.”

“Pitura Seeds now has a way for farmers to order online, like all the other commercial transactions that farmers do from their phones. This shouldn’t be newsworthy or remarkable – but it is because farmers don’t have those options when it comes to ordering seed and services,” says Laird Lampertz, sales manager for Pitura Seeds. “Agro.Club gives family-owned and operated retailers a chance to deploy digital innovations without making a significant IT upgrade. The latest and greatest tech tools aren’t just for the big companies anymore.”

“The team at Pitura Seeds are determined to be leaders,” says Todd Younghans, Vice President of Agro.Club Canada. “They have explored our tools, discovered how they can make them work for their business and are ready to launch a new online experience that strengthens their customer relationships. We know farmers are asking for more convenience and we’re excited that Pitura Seeds is the first retailer using Agro.Club to provide that to their farm customers”.

Pitura Seeds will continue to build our face to face relationships. “Nothing will ever take the place of meeting with our customers in person,” says Greaves. “However we want to make doing business with us easier, no matter your preferred method. Relationships matter to us, and we’d love to chat with you in person or online.”

Pitura Seeds has been providing quality seed to farmers for over 70 years. Based in Domain, Manitoba, the company is fully integrated as a seed grower, processor, retailer and end-use contractor. Driven to lead the next generation of on-farm innovation, Pitura Seeds erected a state-of-the-art seed processing facility in 2019, and developed new production partnerships, putting farmers at the forefront of the plant protein economy. Pitura Seeds is proud to be a family-owned and run business that supports the communities it serves.

Agro.Сlub enables agriculture input manufacturers and retailers to significantly improve their commercial effectiveness and better connect with farmers, The Agro.Club digital platform is currently used by leading global seed, crop protection, animal nutrition companies with participation from more than 19,000 farmers across Europe and North America. World-wide operations are headquartered in the United States, with Canadian operations headquartered in Winnipeg, Agro.Club continues to scale and grow with new partnerships in Canada.