
How Leaders Can Diversify Revenue Streams To Reduce Business Risk

As markets evolve and customer needs change, businesses face the risk of becoming overly reliant on a single customer or market segment. Such dependence on one source of revenue can leave an enterprise vulnerable to sudden market shifts, economic downturns and unforeseen disruptions. However, one key way to reduce this risk is by diversifying revenue streams.

Below, 15 Forbes Business Council members explore key strategies leaders can use to diversify their revenue streams and reduce their reliance on any one customer or market.

1. Analyze Your Business Niche
Operating in the grain trade, we just can’t afford to rely on one customer or market. Our platform solution comprises users from different geographies and international grain buyers. So, as a first step, I would suggest a thorough analysis of your business niche and customers. Secondly, anticipate their further needs and steps. Keep a proactive eye on the overall trends. - Egor Kirin, Agro.Club Inc.

2. Look For New Markets
Leaders can diversify revenue streams by expanding into new markets or industries and offering complementary products or services to their existing offerings. This strategy reduces reliance on a single customer or market while also spreading risk out and fostering growth. - Bryan Jakovcic, Fusion Health

3. Make Partnerships
When we rely too much on a single revenue stream, we expose ourselves to a threat that is inevitable. If the stream becomes compromised, the business will then collapse without a trace. Thus, it's important to diversify your revenue streams by identifying the resources available and expanding the horizon by partnering with other businesses. - Raj Maddula, Global Squirrels

4. Create An Online Presence
The key is having a good social media presence. What is the difference between Sandra Lee, also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, and 99.9% of doctors? She has over seven million YouTube subscribers, allowing her to therefore get ad revenue and presumably clients from around the world. In financial services, this is possible outside of highly regulated areas like pensions as well. - Adam Fayed,

5. Avoid Exclusive Agreements When Possible
A simple way to reduce reliance on any single partner, supplier or customer is to not sign an exclusive agreement unless absolutely necessary. Often, startups or globalizing companies sign distribution agreements at an early stage to secure revenue flow. While it feels progressive and reduces uncertainty, it may prematurely limit diversification options downstream, increasing dependency and risk. - Nuala Walsh, MindEquity

6. Establish An Ancillary Business
My advice is to start an ancillary business. Ideally, do this by offering a service that responds to your existing clients' needs. In real estate, for example, both your buyer and seller clients need movers. If you start a moving company, you'll already have clients lined up and your existing clients will view your referral to a trusted moving company as a value-add. It's a win-win situation. - Kevin Markarian, Roopler

7. Add Products To Complement Current Offerings
To reduce dependence on any one customer or market, leaders can adopt a survival-of-the-fittest mentality by expanding into new markets with products or services that complement existing offerings. As a result, this can help spread risk and actively shape the growth of each revenue stream. Leaders must prioritize innovation and evolution, avoiding complacency and reliance on the status quo. - Chris Kille, Payment Pilot

8. Look At The Market's Fragmentation And Demand
Study the market to understand fragmentation and understand demand in those geographies. Then, target areas with high demand and areas that are very fragmented. Implement strategic marketing to beat small players, and partner up or acquire competitors to expand your reach and revenue. Alternatively, if the market is not fragmented, study which top players are not performing well and make improvements to your own offerings to expand. - Benito Piuzzi, Lakeview Loan Servicing

9. Offer Differentiated Product Bundles
If you want to diversify revenue streams for an existing product, one way is to create differentiated bundles by price, service levels, feature sets, channels, sub-brands/line extensions and more for different segments of the market. For example, Honda took the Passport and upgraded it to the Acura MDX to serve different consumer segments with largely the same product or supply chain. - Udaiyan Jatar, Tecton

10. Limit Sales Percentages
In B2B, we limit the percentage of sales from any one customer to a maximum of 15% of total sales, but this threshold may vary by company. If a customer exceeds this limit, we prioritize acquiring new customers instead of upselling to that customer. This helps us maintain balance, as relying too heavily on one client can be risky if the business relationship is terminated. - Vladislav Kraynov, MSOFT

11. Improve On Your Existing Products
Diversification can be a blessing or a curse. Getting too far off the track of your primary product or market can dilute your resources and confuse your clients. Think more about the evolution of your current product line. For example, Apple is a smartphone company that doesn't even make its own phones—they develop software. If you make what you have newer and better, your customers will keep coming back. - Brian Will, Brian Will Media

12. Diversify Your Offerings And Scale
Great businesses have great customers. These customers are people who belong to different groups and communities that are diverse in their spending, identity and habits. By creating and offering products and services of different price values that bring different levels of brand experience to your customers, you will not have to rely on a single point of failure. - Christian Brown, Glewee

13. Find New Expansion Opportunities
Leaders can diversify revenue streams by exploring new market opportunities. This is done by leveraging existing customer relationships, understanding their needs and developing new offerings to meet those needs. Look for new products, services and markets to increase your customer base and tap into new revenue streams. Diversifying can increase resilience and reduce reliance on one client or market. - Johan Hajji, UpperKey

14. Offer More Targeted Products And Services
Leaders can diversify their revenue streams by developing novel products or services, targeting new customer segments, entering new markets or using technology to create new distribution networks. This stabilizes revenue and increases growth, competitiveness and business resilience. - Dustin Lemick, BriteCo

15. Consider Affiliate Marketing
Partner with companies in related industries to expand the reach of both businesses. Something as simple and low-cost as adding a blurb to your website could result in a great opportunity. - Deyman Doolittle, ShipSigma