
Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc. has joined Agro.Club

2022-03-15 00:32
As of March 15, 2022, Taurus Ag customers (retails and growers) can now order their Duck Foot™, AGTIV® and Bushel Plus equipment lines in a digital environment.

Agro.Club and Taurus Ag are excited to announce that Taurus Ag has joined Agro.Club’s online marketspace and digital ag business platform. Taurus Ag’s retail customers and end-user growers can now order their equipment on-line and through their preferred retail.

“Our model is to create an ecosystem where Taurus Ag — and any other input company — can reach farmers, offer programs and a farmer can place orders with their preferred retailer,” says Todd Younghans, who prior to joining Agro.Club spent more than 26 years working in Canadian agriculture. “We want to give the whole industry a more efficient way of doing business digitally.”

Through Agro.Club’s significant IT investment, they are able to deliver an efficient and simple to use platform that provides organizations with a streamlined and customizable way to conduct business online. The system isn’t limited to input companies, though, as Younghans expresses there’s opportunity for any company that may want to digitize their business. Agro.Club offers more efficient transactions, valuable real-time analytics, and knowledge-sharing capabilities between farmers, retailers, manufacturers, and grain companies alike.

“With the world ever changing and demands for additional conductivity and accessibility for information and buying instantaneously, all consumers are the same, whether you are in agriculture or not. As Taurus AG, allowing growers to find information, make decisions, and move their business forward, this is something we feel is the next evolution for our business.” says Craig Davidson, President of Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc. “Our partnership with Agro.Club allows us the ability to showcase our new pillar of focus with innovative equipment that increases efficiencies from spring planting to harvest precision. It also allows us to showcase our core retails by creating more awareness around the product solutions they have on their shelves and exposing their businesses to a broader audience with real time decision making. Real time information, real time proven solutions, real time decisions from anywhere.”

Taurus Ag provides agronomically advanced solutions to high-performance growers by sourcing the most innovative and proven products while backing them with a solid, measurable, scientific approach to growth.

Agro.Club – a digital ecosystem that connects the full agriculture value chain: Farmers, Retailers, Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and Grain/Food companies, for more efficient business and communication. Current partners include Canterra Seeds, Pitura Seeds and now, Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc.