
Some highlights from the recent article about the Agro.Club business in Brazil

2023-06-27 16:02
✅ Agro.Club Brasil reached R$150 million (around $31 million) in revenue in its seven months of operation in the country.

✅ The company’s CEO in Brazil, Pedro Salles, projects that the business continues to grow fast and highlights that the customers proved to be very agile in adopting new trading technologies.

✅ The client base in Brazil has reached 13,000,

✅ The platform solution automates logistics and tax calculations and can combine lots from different farmers to meet demand, reducing the waiting time for grain buyers. The company pays the grower and performs the logistics.

✅ To get closer to grain producers, Agro.Club Brasil plans to open regional offices in Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, and Tocantins by the beginning of 2024.

✅ Other South American countries are also in the Agro.Club development plan.
