
Culture In Organizations Is As Valuable As Good Manners In People

2023-05-03 23:55
Agriculture industry insider, disrupting grain trade inefficiencies across three continents. CEO of Agro.Club, Inc.

If you want to create not just a company but a point of attraction for employees and customers—not just a way to profit but an opportunity to accomplish professional goals—you can hardly achieve it without a work-worthy purpose and a decent corporate culture. I find that the purpose of existence is as meaningful for a brand as it is for a human being. And, to me, a company without a corporate culture is like a man without good manners.

If someone in a group of friends misbehaves, the friendship is not good enough. I believe it's the same with businesses. If someone in the company does not follow the corporate culture, the business is no longer that promising. All employees must embrace the corporate culture.

Start by analyzing what you have today. Ask the following questions first to yourself (if you are the owner) and then to the managers and other personnel. Compare the answers.

• What is the corporate culture in my company?

• Who are the team leaders, and what values do they transmit?

• Does my corporate culture help make money and become more client-oriented?

• Is there a line of job seekers who want to work with us?

Look at the results. Is this how you imagine your corporate culture? If yes, congratulations! If not, it's time to get to work. What should be paid attention to when forming a corporate culture? I’m eager to illustrate it with some practical examples.

Company Mission: Be sure you have a clear definition of your company's mission. What does your company do for its target audience, and why? As an example, my company's mission is to use technology to connect the global ag value chain and make grain supply more secure, efficient and sustainable.

Company Goals: Ensure that all your employees work in the same direction, achieving certain milestones by specific deadlines and supporting the brand’s mission. They should be aimed at making customers more successful and having a positive impact.

Company History: Whether we like it or not, every business has its own historical life cycle: market entry, growth, saturation maturity, and decline. We have to anticipate these stages and take early action. Understand where you are now and what stage is next. Because with the right actions and assessment of the situation, it is possible not only to change cycles but also to start a new one. And instead of a decline, go to a rebirth. For example, by changing the main product, the line of activity or even the geography of operation.

Company Values: Company values shape the corporate culture to improve team cohesion and foster a sense of commitment. For example, here are a few corporate values at my company that you can incorporate.

• Say it = Do it.

• Be part of the solution, not the problem.

• Respect your teammates.

• Always find how to succeed.

• Appreciate transparency and open communication.

• Have the desire to grow and evolve.

• Perform work with high quality and speed.

Corporate Communications: Consider sending out regular newsletters or evening launching an intra-corporate portal. You can fill it up with corporate news, jokes, interviews, surveys and a library stuffed with educational books. You can foster even more community amongst employees by forming local teams to participate in sports competitions or intelligent quizzes.

Motivation: Reward your workers when they succeed. This can include material rewards (money) and non-material ones (diplomas, certificates, memorable gifts).

Clients: Remember that your profit is highly dependent on customers, or rather, on their quality and quantity. The quantity indicator is how many people are willing to pay you for a product or service. Quality, on the other hand, represents establishing a relationship with a customer in which they are willing to recommend you and to buy more often and constantly. Do everything in your power to increase the "quantity" and "quality" of customers.

A favorable corporate culture can be the best friend of the high business results. Employees work cohesively and are not afraid to admit their mistakes. In my opinion, there are no unique products or services; there are unique teams that either develop and improve your brand name or destroy it.

And finally, a few tips on how to build a corporate culture.

• If you want a strong corporate culture, don't delay taking action. Speed, decisiveness and a sense of purpose are true companions to success.

• The pack copies the leader. For employees to embrace the corporate culture, you need to adhere to it yourself and promote it in every way possible.

• Build a unified culture; don't divide it into formal (what we broadcast) and informal (what we actually do).

And always remember: You can't transfer corporate culture from one company to another. Otherwise, everyone would be SAP, HubSpot, Google, etc. Have your own good corporate culture and, therefore, your own stunning results.